Monday, February 25, 2019

Kissy Dockyard, Yamandu, and Makeni

 We miss and love you all. We are healthy, busy, and loving Sierra Leone and it's beautiful people!

Kissy Dockyard

Last Sunday we traveled to Kissy Dockyard, which is on the east side of Freetown, to be with our friend Pastor Timbo and their beautiful church. They gather 3 times a week for worship and prayer meetings in a school classroom. They need land and a building! What wonderful worship and moving of God's spirit and power in that service!

Pastor Timbo on left and Elder Sia on right


This past Monday, Bro Riddick and I drove back out to the village of Yamandu to measure the boundary and stake the location for a brand new building that started this week! The village children were out of school due to national holiday and were very curious and helpful. 

Sidenote: Sierra Leone has many snakes; many are poisonous. This region where Yamandu is located has the Black and Green Mamba, Gaboon Viper, Cobra, and Python. Yep. In the last 4 months, in two separate incidents, a Python swallowed a small cow and a young boy while relieving himself in a latrine.

Last Thursday, we visited the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. It was incredible!

The Lord is continuing to bless and grow our "Youth Social" on Saturdays. This past Saturday we had 37 in attendance representing 5 different churches in the Freetown area. It is our goal and God-given challenge to lead, teach and equip them to become servants for the Kingdom!


Yesterday, our team traveled to the city of Makeni. Last year, I viewed this property and deteriorating structure. Now there is a beautiful newly completed building and thriving congregation being led by our friends Pastor Steven Sesay!

We give God all glory and thank Him for the things He has done!

We love you all. - Jeff & Heidi

1 comment:

  1. Giving praise and thanks that y'all are well, being used and having revival! Def adding the Kissy Dockyard need for land and a building to our daily prayers. Even your expertise as a surveyor, Jeff, hasn't equipped you to handle a python in a latrine! Watch your 6! The video Heidi sent of the chimps was pretty cool! Thankful for revival and progress among the youth as they grow in God. Praise The Lord for the new church in Makeni ! Prayers to continue daily for y'all. I'm proud of you, Jeff and Heidi. Love y'all. Be safe!!
